#ifdef FOSSIL_ENABLE_JSON /* ** Copyright (c) 2011 D. Richard Hipp ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also ** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".) ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of ** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. ** ** Author contact information: ** drh@hwaci.com ** http://www.hwaci.com/drh/ ** */ #include "config.h" #include "json_diff.h" #if INTERFACE #include "json_detail.h" #endif /* ** Generates a diff between two versions (zFrom and zTo), using nContext ** content lines in the output. On success, returns a new JSON String ** object. On error it sets g.json's error state and returns NULL. ** ** If fSbs is true (non-0) them side-by-side diffs are used. ** ** If fHtml is true then HTML markup is added to the diff. */ cson_value * json_generate_diff(const char *zFrom, const char *zTo, int nContext, char fSbs, char fHtml){ int fromid; int toid; int outLen; Blob from = empty_blob, to = empty_blob, out = empty_blob; cson_value * rc = NULL; int flags = (DIFF_CONTEXT_MASK & nContext) | (fSbs ? DIFF_SIDEBYSIDE : 0) | (fHtml ? DIFF_HTML : 0); fromid = name_to_typed_rid(zFrom, "*"); if(fromid<=0){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_UNRESOLVED_UUID, "Could not resolve 'from' ID."); return NULL; } toid = name_to_typed_rid(zTo, "*"); if(toid<=0){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_UNRESOLVED_UUID, "Could not resolve 'to' ID."); return NULL; } content_get(fromid, &from); content_get(toid, &to); blob_zero(&out); text_diff(&from, &to, &out, 0, flags); blob_reset(&from); blob_reset(&to); outLen = blob_size(&out); if(outLen>=0){ rc = cson_value_new_string(blob_buffer(&out), (unsigned int)blob_size(&out)); } blob_reset(&out); return rc; } /* ** Implementation of the /json/diff page. ** ** Arguments: ** ** v1=1st version to diff ** v2=2nd version to diff ** ** Can come from GET, POST.payload, CLI -v1/-v2 or as positional ** parameters following the command name (in HTTP and CLI modes). ** */ cson_value * json_page_diff(){ cson_object * pay = NULL; cson_value * v = NULL; char const * zFrom; char const * zTo; int nContext = 0; char doSBS; char doHtml; if(!g.perm.Read){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_DENIED, "Requires 'o' permissions."); return NULL; } zFrom = json_find_option_cstr("v1",NULL,NULL); if(!zFrom){ zFrom = json_command_arg(2); } if(!zFrom){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_MISSING_ARGS, "Required 'v1' parameter is missing."); return NULL; } zTo = json_find_option_cstr("v2",NULL,NULL); if(!zTo){ zTo = json_command_arg(3); } if(!zTo){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_MISSING_ARGS, "Required 'v2' parameter is missing."); return NULL; } nContext = json_find_option_int("context",NULL,"c",5); doSBS = json_find_option_bool("sbs",NULL,"y",0); doHtml = json_find_option_bool("html",NULL,"h",0); v = json_generate_diff(zFrom, zTo, nContext, doSBS, doHtml); if(!v){ if(!g.json.resultCode){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_UNKNOWN, "Generating diff failed for unknown reason."); } return NULL; } pay = cson_new_object(); cson_object_set(pay, "from", json_new_string(zFrom)); cson_object_set(pay, "to", json_new_string(zTo)); cson_object_set(pay, "diff", v); v = 0; return pay ? cson_object_value(pay) : NULL; } #endif /* FOSSIL_ENABLE_JSON */