
Managing Server Load

A Fossil server is very efficient and normally presents a very light load on the server. The Fossil self-hosting server is a 1/24th slice VM at hosting 65 other repositories in addition to Fossil, including some very high-traffic sites such as and This small VM has a typical load of 0.05 to 0.1. A single HTTP request to Fossil normally takes less than 10 milliseconds of CPU time to complete, so requests can be arriving at a continuous rate of 20 or more per second, and the CPU can still be mostly idle.

However, there are some Fossil web pages that can consume large amounts of CPU time, especially on repositories with a large number of files or with long revision histories. High CPU usage pages include /zip, /tarball, /annotate, and others. On very large repositories, these commands can take 15 seconds or more of CPU time. If these kinds of requests arrive too quickly, the load average on the server can grow dramatically, making the server unresponsive.

Fossil provides two capabilities to help avoid server overload problems due to excessive requests to expensive pages:

  1. An optional cache is available that remembers the 10 most recently requested /zip or /tarball pages and returns the precomputed answer if the same page is requested again.

  2. Page requests can be configured to fail with a “503 Server Overload” HTTP error if any request is received while the host load average is too high.

Both of these load-control mechanisms are turned off by default, but they are recommended for high-traffic sites. Users with admin permissions are exempt from these restrictions, provided they are logged in before the load gets too high (login is disabled under high load).

The webpage cache is activated using the fossil cache init command-line on the server. Add a -R option to specify the specific repository for which to enable caching. If running this command as root, be sure to “chown” the cache database to give the Fossil server write permission for the user ID of the web server; this is a separate file in the same directory and with the same name as the repository but with the “.fossil” suffix changed to “.cache”.

To activate the server load control feature visit the Admin → Access setup page in the administrative web interface; in the “Server Load Average Limit” box enter the load average threshold above which “503 Server Overload” replies will be issued for expensive requests. On the self-hosting Fossil server, that value is set to 1.5, but you could easily set it higher on a multi-core server.

The maximum load average can also be set on the command line using commands like this:

fossil setting max-loadavg 1.5
fossil all setting max-loadavg 1.5

The second form is especially useful for changing the maximum load average simultaneously on a large number of repositories.

Note that this load-average limiting feature is only available on operating systems that support the getloadavg() API. Most modern Unix systems have this interface, but Windows does not, so the feature will not work on Windows.

Because Linux implements getloadavg() by accessing the /proc/loadavg virtual file, you will need to make sure /proc is available to the Fossil server. The most common reason for it to not be available is that you are running a Fossil instance inside a chroot(2) jail and you have not mounted the /proc virtual file system inside that jail. On the self-hosting Fossil repositories, this was accomplished by adding a line to the /etc/fstab file:

chroot_jail_proc /home/www/proc proc ro 0 0

The /home/www/proc pathname should be adjusted so that the /proc component is at the root of the chroot jail, of course.

To see if the load-average limiter is functional, visit the /test_env page of the server to view the current load average. If the value for the load average is greater than zero, that means that it is possible to activate the load-average limiter on that repository. If the load average shows exactly "0.0", then that means that Fossil is unable to find the load average. This can either be because it is in a chroot(2) jail without /proc access, or because it is running on a system that does not support getloadavg() and so the load-average limiter will not function.