
<div class="header">
  <div class="logo">
    ## NOTE: The purpose of this procedure is to take the base URL of the
    ##       Fossil project and return the root of the entire web site using
    ##       the same URI scheme as the base URL (e.g. http or https).
    proc getLogoUrl { baseurl } {
      set idx(first) [string first // $baseurl]
      if {$idx(first) != -1} {
        ## NOTE: Skip second slash.
        set idx(first+1) [expr {$idx(first) + 2}]
        ## NOTE: (part 1) The [string first] command does NOT actually
        ##       support the optional startIndex argument as specified
        ##       in the TH1 support manual; therefore, we fake it by
        ##       using the [string range] command and then adding the
        ##       necessary offset to the resulting index manually
        ##       (below).  In Tcl, we could use the following instead:
        ##       set idx(next) [string first / $baseurl $idx(first+1)]
        set idx(nextRange) [string range $baseurl $idx(first+1) end]
        set idx(next) [string first / $idx(nextRange)]
        if {$idx(next) != -1} {
          ## NOTE: (part 2) Add the necessary offset to the result of
          ##       the search for the next slash (i.e. the one after
          ##       the initial search for the two slashes).
          set idx(next) [expr {$idx(next) + $idx(first+1)}]
          ## NOTE: Back up one character from the next slash.
          set idx(next-1) [expr {$idx(next) - 1}]
          ## NOTE: Extract the URI scheme and host from the base URL.
          set scheme [string range $baseurl 0 $idx(first)]
          set host [string range $baseurl $idx(first+1) $idx(next-1)]
          ## NOTE: Try to stay in SSL mode if we are there now.
          if {[string compare $scheme http:/] == 0} {
            set scheme http://
          } else {
            set scheme https://
          set logourl $scheme$host/
        } else {
          set logourl $baseurl
      } else {
        set logourl $baseurl
      return $logourl
    set logourl [getLogoUrl $baseurl]
    <a href="$logourl">
      <img src="$logo_image_url" border="0" alt="$project_name">
  <div class="title">$<title></div>
  <div class="status"><th1>
     if {[info exists login]} {
       puts "Logged in as $login"
     } else {
       puts "Not logged in"
  </th1></nobr><small><div id="clock"></div></small></div>
function updateClock(){
  var e = document.getElementById("clock");
    var d = new Date();
    function f(n) {
      return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
    e.innerHTML = d.getUTCFullYear()+ '-' +
      f(d.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' +
      f(d.getUTCDate())      + ' ' +
      f(d.getUTCHours())     + ':' +
<div class="mainmenu">
proc menulink {url name} {
  upvar home home
  html "<a href='$home$url'>$name</a>\n"
menulink $index_page Home
menulink /help Help
if {[anycap jor]} {
  menulink /timeline Timeline
if {[anoncap oh]} {
  menulink /dir?ci=tip Files
if {[anoncap o]} {
  menulink /brlist Branches
  menulink /taglist Tags
if {[anoncap r]} {
  menulink /ticket Tickets
if {[anoncap j]} {
  menulink /wiki Wiki
if {[hascap s]} {
  menulink /setup Admin
} elseif {[hascap a]} {
  menulink /setup_ulist Users
if {[info exists login]} {
  menulink /login Logout
} else {
  menulink /login Login