
** Copyright (c) 2011 D. Richard Hipp
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also
** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".)

** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
** Author contact information:
** This file contains code used to manage the "leaf" table of the
** repository.
** The LEAF table contains the rids for all leaves in the check-in DAG.
** A leaf is a check-in that has no children in the same branch.
#include "config.h"
#include "leaf.h"
#include <assert.h>

** Return true if the check-in with RID=rid is a leaf.
** A leaf has no children in the same branch.
int is_a_leaf(int rid){
  int rc;
  static const char zSql[] =
    @ SELECT 1 FROM plink
    @  WHERE pid=%d
    @    AND coalesce((SELECT value FROM tagxref
    @                   WHERE tagid=%d AND, 'trunk')
    @       =coalesce((SELECT value FROM tagxref
    @                   WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=plink.cid), 'trunk')
  rc = db_int(0, zSql /*works-like:"%d,%d,%d"*/,
              rid, TAG_BRANCH, TAG_BRANCH);
  return rc==0;

** Count the number of primary non-branch children for the given check-in.
** A primary child is one where the parent is the primary parent, not
** a merge parent.  A "leaf" is a node that has zero children of any
** kind.  This routine counts only primary children.
** A non-branch child is one which is on the same branch as the parent.
int count_nonbranch_children(int pid){
  int nNonBranch = 0;
  static Stmt q;
  static const char zSql[] =
    @ SELECT count(*) FROM plink
    @  WHERE pid=:pid AND isprim
    @    AND coalesce((SELECT value FROM tagxref
    @                   WHERE tagid=%d AND, 'trunk')
    @       =coalesce((SELECT value FROM tagxref
    @                   WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=plink.cid), 'trunk')
  db_static_prepare(&q, zSql /*works-like: "%d,%d"*/, TAG_BRANCH, TAG_BRANCH);
  db_bind_int(&q, ":pid", pid);
  if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    nNonBranch = db_column_int(&q, 0);
  return nNonBranch;

** Recompute the entire LEAF table.
** This can be expensive (5 seconds or so) for a really large repository.
** So it is only done for things like a rebuild.
void leaf_rebuild(void){
    "DELETE FROM leaf;"
    "  SELECT cid FROM plink"
    "  EXCEPT"
    "  SELECT pid FROM plink"
    "   WHERE coalesce((SELECT value FROM tagxref"
                       " WHERE tagid=%d AND,'trunk')"
         " == coalesce((SELECT value FROM tagxref"
                       " WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=plink.cid),'trunk')",

** A bag of check-ins whose leaf status needs to be checked.
static Bag needToCheck;

** Check to see if check-in "rid" is a leaf and either add it to the LEAF
** table if it is, or remove it if it is not.
void leaf_check(int rid){
  static Stmt checkIfLeaf;
  static Stmt addLeaf;
  static Stmt removeLeaf;
  int rc;

    "SELECT 1 FROM plink"
    " WHERE pid=:rid"
    "   AND coalesce((SELECT value FROM tagxref"
                    " WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=:rid),'trunk')"
       " == coalesce((SELECT value FROM tagxref"
                    " WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=plink.cid),'trunk');",
  db_bind_int(&checkIfLeaf, ":rid", rid);
  rc = db_step(&checkIfLeaf);
  if( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){
    db_static_prepare(&removeLeaf, "DELETE FROM leaf WHERE rid=:rid");
    db_bind_int(&removeLeaf, ":rid", rid);
    db_static_prepare(&addLeaf, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO leaf VALUES(:rid)");
    db_bind_int(&addLeaf, ":rid", rid);

** Return an SQL expression (stored in memory obtained from fossil_malloc())
** that is true if the SQL variable named "zVar" contains the rid with
** a CLOSED tag.  In other words, return true if the leaf is closed.
** The result can be prefaced with a NOT operator to get all leaves that
** are open.
char *leaf_is_closed_sql(const char *zVar){
  return mprintf(
    "EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tagxref AS tx"
           " WHERE tx.rid=%s"
             " AND tx.tagid=%d"
             " AND tx.tagtype>0)",
    zVar, TAG_CLOSED

** Schedule a leaf check for "rid" and its parents.
void leaf_eventually_check(int rid){
  static Stmt parentsOf;

     "SELECT pid FROM plink WHERE cid=:rid AND pid>0"
  db_bind_int(&parentsOf, ":rid", rid);
  bag_insert(&needToCheck, rid);
  while( db_step(&parentsOf)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    bag_insert(&needToCheck, db_column_int(&parentsOf, 0));

** Do all pending leaf checks.
void leaf_do_pending_checks(void){
  int rid;
  for(rid=bag_first(&needToCheck); rid; rid=bag_next(&needToCheck,rid)){

** If check-in rid is an open-leaf and there exists another
** open leaf on the same branch, then return 1.
** If check-in rid is not an open leaf, or if it is the only open leaf
** on its branch, then return 0.
int leaf_ambiguity(int rid){
  int rc;             /* Result */
  char zVal[30];
  if( !is_a_leaf(rid) ) return 0;
  sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zVal), zVal, "%d", rid);
  rc = db_exists(
       "SELECT 1 FROM leaf"
       " WHERE NOT %z"
       "   AND rid<>%d"
       "   AND (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=leaf.rid)="
       "       (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=%d)"
       "   AND NOT %z",
       leaf_is_closed_sql(zVal), rid, TAG_BRANCH, TAG_BRANCH, rid,
  return rc;

** If check-in rid is an open-leaf and there exists another open leaf
** on the same branch, then print a detailed warning showing all open
** leaves on that branch.
int leaf_ambiguity_warning(int rid, int currentCkout){
  char *zBr;
  Stmt q;
  int n = 0;
  Blob msg;
  if( leaf_ambiguity(rid)==0 ) return 0;
  zBr = db_text(0, "SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=%d",
                TAG_BRANCH, rid);
  if( zBr==0 ) zBr = fossil_strdup("trunk");
  blob_init(&msg, 0, 0);
  blob_appendf(&msg, "WARNING: multiple open leaf check-ins on %s:", zBr);
    "  (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=leaf.rid),"
    "  (SELECT datetime(mtime,toLocal()) FROM event WHERE objid=leaf.rid),"
    "  leaf.rid"
    "  FROM leaf"
    " WHERE (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=leaf.rid)=%Q"
    "   AND NOT %z"
    " ORDER BY 2 DESC",
    TAG_BRANCH, zBr, leaf_is_closed_sql("leaf.rid")
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    blob_appendf(&msg, "\n  (%d) %s [%S]%s",
          ++n, db_column_text(&q,1), db_column_text(&q,0),
          db_column_int(&q,2)==currentCkout ? " (current)" : "");
  return 1;

** COMMAND: test-leaf-ambiguity
** Usage: %fossil NAME ...
** Resolve each name on the command line and call leaf_ambiguity_warning()
** for each resulting RID.
void leaf_ambiguity_warning_test(void){
  int i;
  int rid;
  int rc;
  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    char *zUuid;
    rid = name_to_typed_rid(g.argv[i], "ci");
    zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid);
    fossil_print("%s (rid=%d) %S ", g.argv[i], rid, zUuid ? zUuid : "(none)");
    rc = leaf_ambiguity_warning(rid, rid);
    if( rc==0 ) fossil_print(" ok\n");