
Artifact [4ab62457]

Artifact 4ab62457233702c36f52cfd2ea5330ca79e98b0c:

Wiki page [Fossil 2.0] by andygoth 2015-02-24 22:12:21.
D 2015-02-24T22:12:21.008
L Fossil\s2.0
N text/x-markdown
P f407a9e24134fde1c8d70a0bde88567b1d6f35be
U andygoth
W 2595
## Status:

  *  Fossil 2.0 is currently just an idea.  No code has been written.

## Core Principles:

  *  100% repository compatible. Reuse existing repos (perhaps with "rebuild")

  *  100% sync compatible.  Push, pull, and clone with version 1.x repos.

## Web Interface Enhancements:

  *  Refactor to a small, sensible, well-defined and well-document set of
     CSS classes that are easy to configure.

  *  OK to break existing skins.

  *  Push toward being closer to RESTful

  *  Strive for basic operation w/o javascript, though clearly javascript
     is allowed when necessary.  (Javascript draws the timeline graph for
     example.)  This principle does not change from 1.x.

## Command-line Interface:

  *  "fossil mv" and "fossil rm" actually rename and delete the underlying

## Implementation Strategy:

  *  Make changes in a long-running branch (named "fossil-2.0"?) until
     ready to cut-over, then merge into trunk.

  *  Keep two versions of Fossil (1.x and 2.0-alpha) both running on
     <> so that people can compare the changes
     to the web-interface easily.

  *  Provide a place to download pre-compiled binaries of 2.0-alpha.

*On 2015-02-06 02:10:35 UTC nobody (claiming to be sean) added:*

* Possibility of using a different hash, such as sha384 or sha512. Just because sha1 is fine doesn't mean it will always be fine.  <i>-- drh replies:
Unable. This would be an incompatible file format change.</i>
* online file editing
* alphabetization of lists
* some style of pastebin with syntax highlighting, similar to tech notes or wiki
* libressl support

*On 2015-02-06 02:31:59 UTC nobody (claiming to be isxek) added:*

* Allow markdown use when writing tickets & ticket comments <i>-- drh replies:
Doesn't this already work in Fossil 1.30?</i>
<br /><em>-- isxek replies: It does not. I'm using Fossil version [5260fbf632] 2015-02-05.</em>

*On 2015-02-24 22:12:00 UTC andygoth added:*

# Show cherrypick and backout merges in timeline and context.

Differentiate between normal, cherrypick, and backout merges by the shape of the arrowhead.

*  ▲: Normal merge (or ◀ or ▶ as appropriate)
*  ⭕: Cherrypick merge (resembles a cherry)
*  ❌: Backout merge (signifies removal)

The merge lines may also be shown in different colors, e.g. green for cherrypick and red for backout.

Suggest allowing this feature to be configurable via theme.  Also may be a user checkbox to show or hide cherrypick/backout merges.
Z b6dfe845f91578cd696c10a035c1bf94