
Check-in [e19cfba5]

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Comment:This manifest has a P-card and a Q-card to a non-existing (private) branch. The purpose was show that nothing fails in that situation. Remark: This manifest was the result of an experiment, synced by accident (sorry about that). Strangly enough on localhost:8080 an arrow going all the way down is visible, on the arrow is not there.
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Timelines: family | ancestors | pending-review
Files: files | file ages | folders
SHA1: e19cfba5373369bfe7c01dffd18387e5027b5313
User & Date: jan.nijtmans 2013-08-27 13:28:55
Original Comment: This manifest has a P-card and a Q-card to a non-existing (private) branch. The purpose is show that nothing fails in that situation.
This manifest has a P-card and a Q-card to a non-existing (private) branch. The purpose was show that nothing fails in that situation. Remark: This manifest was the result of an experiment, synced by accident (sorry about that). Strangly enough on localhost:8080 an arrow going all the way down is visible, on the arrow is not there. ... (Closed-Leaf check-in: e19cfba5 user: jan.nijtmans tags: pending-review)
Fix the display of arrows with a private branch as starting point. If UUID's are missing from R-cards (except for the first argument) and Q-cards, this is not fatal: The merge source might be private in some other repository and not (yet) synced. "fossil test-missing" should not report errors for this situation. ... (check-in: 60389c1f user: jan.nijtmans tags: pending-review)
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